2.10.2007 | 14:48
Two Korean leaders
It is perhaps one of the most historical days in a modern Korean history. Two Korean leaders are meeting in Pyongyang for a summit. The Korean peninsula divided by a heavily fortified DMZ (Demilitarised-Zone), the 38 parallel, has been at war since 1950s.
There are both optimistic and sceptic views on this Korean summit. Optimists argue that this will lead to few steps towards eventual reunification of the peninsula, whereas critics say this will bring another pocket money into the dictators account.
Although this summit should be welcomed by the international community, President Roh of South Korea must be warned that making any naïve concession or emotional approach towards the North would be catastrophic.
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:50 | Facebook
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