Clinton on the World


Clinton Q&A on today’s world : METRO Newspaper August 17, 2007

1.         What is the fundamental nature of the 21st century world?

A.        Nature of the 21st century is “Interdependence“. “Globalisation“ has an exclusive economic connotation.

2.         Is it a good or bad thing?

A.        “Good and Bad” Interdependence offers ambivalence.

3.         How would you like to change it?

A.        Characteristic of downside of interdependent world can probably be categorised into three. First, inequality. Second, instability. Third, unsustainability. You need to do something on those three area.

4.         What steps are necessary to change it?

A.        We should move the world which is unequal, unstable and unsustainable to communities, locally nationally and globally. Every truly successful community has three things in common: Shared opportunity to participate; A genuine sense of shared responsibility for the community’s success; and a sense of belonging. So, how do we move from interdependence to community? First, you have to have security policy. Second you also have to have a more vigorous diplomatic effort. Third, you have to have a policy to fill the world with more friends and fewer enemies.

5.         Who's supposed to take those steps?

A. Governments and organisations like the UN have to take the lead in security and diplomacy. But Active involvement of ordinary citizens is vital and necessary.

Clinton argues that every single fundamental problem of the world come is rooted in an imperfect sense of identity.  He said “ Do we really believe that our difference are more important than our common humanity?”


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International Politics and World Affairs


Blair, Tony
Blair, Tony
Nation states are obliged to recognise that interdependence is the defining characteristic of the early 21st century world.
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