Japan's Abe


This is obviously not the best time for Japan's PM Abe as his party was utterly defeated in the Sunday's upper house election. "It was a severe result. We accept the people's judgement seriously and sincerely...However, it is my responsibility to continue with my mission in building a new nation and pushing for reform." Abe said. Now, majority of Japanese public are demanding his resignation, even though he is not obliged to do so as he was elected by the Lower House which functions as a main national legislative organ of the country.Abe has now pleaded to reshuffle his cabinet members.Right after Abe took over Tokyo office after the charismatic Mr Koizumi, he immediately came up with the slogan "Beautiful Japan".The reasons for this electoral defeat for Mr Abe were rather clear: 1. Pension fund problem. 2. Repeated unprofessionalism of His ministerial colleagues. 3. Emphasis on an ambiguous slogan "beautiful Japan" 4. lacking clear leadership. Among many others.Mr Abe insists he will not resign, yet intensive pressure is only growing even from inside his own party. This is clearly not his best time. Neither is it his worst time. His worst time is yet to come unless he succeeds to achieve what he has promised to achieve and to select a well-functioning and professional cabinet members.


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