17.7.2007 | 23:32
Putin of Russia
The UK expelled four Russian diplomats yesterday in response to Moscow's refusal to extradite Lugovi, the prime suspect in the murder of Litvinenko. There is also a tension between the US and Russia over US's plan to build missile defense systems in the East Europe. Now, is this a beginning of a new Cold War? How will the relation between the West and Russia be from now?I would not believe it will result in immediate deterioration of a bilateral relation between the UK and Russia. What I would believe however is that it would make process of solving some of international problems, such as Kosovo's independence, Israel-Palestine peace settlement, Sudan crisis etc...more difficult as Russia is one of the strongest political influences in the world.This is surely not the best time of the history of the West-Russia relation.
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:34 | Facebook
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