North Korea and its nukes 2

Six party talks

My colleagues have accused me of being too skeptic over the North Korea's denuclearisation process. YES. UN inspectors have verified that North Korea has shut down its Yongbyon reactor. YET, it would be extremely premature to assume that North Korea's dear leader is ready to give up his nuclear weapons. No way.Shutting down the reactor is only the very beginning of the process. For now, at least we have a way forward, which is more possible than no way at all. The February agreement seems diplomatic triumph for the international community. And yet it only put the difficult issues down the road. It doesn't even state anything to touch very sensitive issues such as the nuclear weapons themselves. Do remember! North Korea does possess the nuclear weapons! Not one but quite few!Again, let me say this. “The Dear Leader” will NEVER give up the nuclear weapons. That’s very certain.  The international community must come up with different tactic.



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International Politics and World Affairs


Blair, Tony
Blair, Tony
Nation states are obliged to recognise that interdependence is the defining characteristic of the early 21st century world.
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