27.6.2007 | 21:53
Blair: June 27, 2007. One door closed, and another opened.
Blair left 10 Downing St. today after 10years of his premiership. His 10years legacy has just finished today. Today is also a new start for his career in international stage as an international Middle-East envoy. Blair will work on behalf of the US, Russia, the UN and the EU. His mission now is to try to solve one of the most difficult jobs on earth. Blair's popularity in the US is probably as high as NBC's legendary show FRIENDS whereas majority of Arab views him dubiously at best. I believe that we may perhaps be able to optimistically expect some positive progress will be made by his effort.
Flokkur: Stjórnmįl og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:10 | Facebook
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