24.4.2007 | 05:46
Obara cleared of Lucie Blackman's killing
A Tokyo court acquits Japanese real estate developer Joji Obara in the death and dismemberment of British national Lucie Blackman, but sentences him to life over a series of rapes. It ruled there was no direct evidence, such as DNA, to link Obara with Lucie's death. A family of the victims must be shocked by this ruling. This man raped more than 400 women, of whom 150 were Westerners. I do not believe that this man deserves a life sentence but something much more severe and harsher. My question is as to why a man like this can claim human rights and civil liberties...that is something I will never comprehend. I sometime think that democratic judical system is flawed in a case like this.
Lucie Blackman

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