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North Korea fund transfer underway

North Korea has now got money back from a Macau Bank. It is now their turn to honour the agreement reached in February. Let us see how they will move from here.

Macau-based Banco Delta Asia (file photo)

Global rasponsibility.

Tony Blair has written a short essay on his 10years of premiership in the latest Economist magazine. He argues that the international community should be prepared to intervene if it is necessary to prevent the most disastrous human catastrophes such as genocide, oppression, the deep unjust etc.As I have argued previously, in this beginning of the 21st century world, state’s foreign policy narrowly based on pursuing national interest wouldn’t be adequate. All the nation states of the international community must realise that in today’s world and onward future no national interest of any country would be achieve if nation state keeps seeking narrowly self-interested judgement of foreign policy.


North Korea tests short-range missiles

Another missile test. As the world-attention goes to the G8 Summit on climate change, Iran etc. North Korea is projecting a signal to the world saying "Do not forget about us!" It always wants to be looked after by the international community. But at the same time it always wants to defy the world.

Bush and Putin on missile deal

Bush, Putin hail missile plan deal

I have to admit that it came a bit of surprise when Putin offered Bush a compromised defense plan in Azerbaijan.Bush responded to Putin, describing it as "interesting". And as you see above, the big two are shaking hands.The real question is whether the US would accept that deal. Not likely. The US would not like the idea that would reduce US military influence abroad. Despite of the diplomatic handshake-gesture of the two leaders, there are still wider gaps to be fixed between Washington and Moscow.

Putin v G7

 Image: Russia hits out in missile row

"If the American nuclear potential grows in European territory, we will have to have new targets in Europe" Vladimir Putin

The most powerful politicians of the world are meeting in Germany tomorrow at G8 Summit. I do not believe that this is  "the emerging new Cold War between the West and Russia". However I do believe that none of our global problems will be solved without genuine international solidality.


Personal Note: Commuting in London

No air-conditioning in the underground train.

Very crowded. Ł 89.10 a month for Zone 1-2.

Personal note: Internship, the day one

The first day at Amnesty International, International Secretariat. 4 other postgraduate students, 2 UK and 2 US, are starting an internship today together with me at the organisation.Living in London for three months without getting paid is not easy...but what we all, the new interns, strongly believe that this will pay off in the future.

Putin, Russia

Vladimir Putin

Putin has said that Russia may target weapons at Europe if US defense missile systems were built in East Europe. I believe that Putin's encounter with other world leaders at the coming G8 summit in Germany will be very bitter one if not cold.




Politics of early 21st century

Realism is a major characteristic of international politics in 20th century. A world change as time goes by and so does politics. I believe that we now live in a very transforming era from dominating realist ideology to much wider global responsibility. Global warming, population growth, food and water shortages, WMD threat, global terrorism etc. Those are only few things among many other problems that threat the very existence of all beings on earth.  International policy makers have strong duty and obligation to make much smarter judgment rather than the one that only aimed at pursuing narrow self-interested one.

Quotes from Blair sppech in South Africa. May 31, 2007

"I believe in the power of political action to make the world better and the moral obligation to use it.

"I do not believe that in this time - the early 21st century - that international politics can be just about nations' interests, narrowly and traditionally defined."

"However ferocious the challenges are in this part of Africa it's better to intervene and try to make a difference than stay out and try to cope with the consequences at a later time."

 Tony Blair

Nelson Mandela and Tony Blair


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International Politics and World Affairs


Blair, Tony
Blair, Tony
Nation states are obliged to recognise that interdependence is the defining characteristic of the early 21st century world.
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