15.7.2007 | 22:57
North Korea and its nukes
8.7.2007 | 15:49
Alan Johnston's release and Hamas
30.6.2007 | 22:14
30.6.2007 | 20:29
Hong Kong 10years on
30.6.2007 | 13:22
Quote of the week: Blair's last Prime Minister's Question Time in the House of Common
"This morning, I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I will have no such further meetings today, or any other day"
"Details of employee leaving work. Surname: Blair; first name: T. It said actually: Mr, Mrs, Miss or other. This form is important to you, take good care of it, P45."
"Some may belittle politics but we know it is where people stand tall. And although I know it has its many harsh contentions, it is still the arena which sets the heart beating fast. It may sometimes be a place of low skullduggery but it is more often a place for more noble causes. I wish everyone, friend or foe, well and that is that, the end."
27.6.2007 | 21:53
Blair: June 27, 2007. One door closed, and another opened.
Blair left 10 Downing St. today after 10years of his premiership. His 10years legacy has just finished today. Today is also a new start for his career in international stage as an international Middle-East envoy. Blair will work on behalf of the US, Russia, the UN and the EU. His mission now is to try to solve one of the most difficult jobs on earth. Blair's popularity in the US is probably as high as NBC's legendary show FRIENDS whereas majority of Arab views him dubiously at best. I believe that we may perhaps be able to optimistically expect some positive progress will be made by his effort.
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:10 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
25.6.2007 | 23:07
Alan Johnston
BBCs Alan Johnson has been kept hostage for 105days today. Person like him should never been kept hostage. Without his professionalism present, who else would be able to report plight of Palestinian people? The world wishes for you.
"For me, so much of this job is about how well you work the human element into any given story." (Alan Johnston)
25.6.2007 | 14:35
EU agreement.
EU leaders agreed a new treaty that highlights following points
- Double majority voting delayed until 2014
- Long-term EU president
- High Representative for foreign affairs
- Fewer national veto powers
- More powers for the European Parliament
I believe this agreement would be a great momentum for the institution to move on from the set-back in 2005 when French and Dutch voters rejected EU constitution. The meeting this time seemed extremely difficult from the beginning as the member states did not want to give up anymore of their powers to Brussels. I think this is a great move for the whole Europe.
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:37 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
24.6.2007 | 22:19
Quote of the day: Gordon Brown of the new leader of Labour Party
"And so I say honestly: I am a conviction politician.
My conviction that everyone deserves a fair chance in life.
My conviction that each of us has a responsibility to each other.
And my conviction that when the strong help the weak, it makes us all stronger. " (Gordon Brown)
19.6.2007 | 22:20
Invitation to the UK Parliament building of the House of Lords
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:24 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
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